Resume Reviewer: Perfect Your Resume With a Professional Advice
Do you suppose your resume is perfect? You have read a lot of professional articles, spent time analyzing your professional experience and achievements. Now, you are, finally, proud of the CV you have written.
It’s great! But two heads are better than one and we want to offer free resume critique for you.
Resume Critique Service: What Your Resume Says?
Dozens of resumes pass through our writers every day. Some of them are well-written, some require substantial elaboration. But mostly, a few details separate you from the resume, which would achieve your potential as far as possible.
Which is why we make a great opportunity for you to check your resume for free. Our professional writers will make you a free resume review in two days. It is incredibly simple. Paste your resume into the form below, enter your email address and in a few days, you will receive full resume feedback by mail.
Resume Evaluation: It’s Always Good to Have More Eyes on It
To start a resume writer will assess your resume by appearances. Professional resume writer will look at it through the eyes of a hiring manager. Is your resume easy to read? Are there the most important things that would you like to draw attention to stand out? Then we will evaluate the total amount of information in your resume. Is the work history covers the subject? Does your resume include all the necessary skills?
The check off your resume for action verbs will be a concluding stage, that will allow your resume to pass ATS Software in the future.
Results of Resume Critique May Come as a Surprise to You
In addition to what we wrote above, a resume critic looks at such non-obvious things as:
Irrelevant information
A hiring managers is too busy doing their own job, supervising their team and doing the work of the person who left the company that created the job opening, to carefully and thoroughly read and analyze your résumé.
No one wants to waste time with off-topic information. From our experience, we know that recruiters very often blank your background out if it doesn’t concern the vacancy you are applying for. Even more, they just don’t look through irrelevant work experience. This means that no one is interested in that which you have saved the company a lot of refund if you sent a resume to the open writer position. We recommend highlighting the achievements using active verbs, in the area that relates to the current vacancy only.
Brevity is the soul of wit. Numbers don’t lie. The numbers could be impressive. Consider and prepare your achievements carefully. Include them in a Skills section. Believe me, if you summarize your previous experience and get the 10 years altogether, it would describe you more impactful. But do not give in to the temptation to cheat or to exaggerate, they’ll see right you through and it can play really weird tricks on you.
Learn more
Try to find out more information about the company you apply for. Maybe they promote a healthy lifestyle, or team do sailing or play other team games every two weeks. Show your employer that you have a good understanding of the team spirit.
Include volunteer experience
If you are a volunteer or you are a member of a charitable organization, it would be a great advantage for you. All of these shaded nuances could characterize your personality.
That’s not all items you can check using our free resume review online.
What is The Benefit of Rate My Resume?
There are a lot of free resume review services. Some of them are pretty effective in a resume scoring. But it must be said not a single online resume critique would not deliver such results, as resume evaluation by a human.
Resume Evaluator Step-by-Step
Now we want to show you how it works. We have chosen a resume of a Quality Assurance Specialist that was written by an ordinary person.

Then we put it into the form and filled the email addres.

We have received an answer by email immediately.

Receiving a review of our resume took less than two days, we have gotten it by e-mail too.

As you can see, we got a full analysis, which includes::
- Visual Presentation : formatting, bullets

- Resume Writing: action verbs, grammatical errors

- The results of ATS standing up

- Recommendations on how to improve our document

Make a Difference on Getting a Job
Some Non-Obvious Tips From a Resume Reviewer
In these days of keen job competition, you may be competing with applicants around the world. Put the section that talks about your key accomplishments and skills near the top. Companies desire candidates possessing the exact skill set and experience that precisely match the job requirements. Employers are looking for the best-fit person, so then they are viewing your resume, they want to find answers on questions. By listing all of your skills and experience at the very top, you make things easy for them.
Remember that the value of soft skills is on the rise in the job market. So, including it in a resume gives you a higher resume score.
If you feel that you will be discriminated against because the dates will give away your age, leave them off and only include the last 10 years of experience.