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What do employers pay attention to looking at resumes?
One of the most important points in your resume is the Education section, in which you indicate your education, degrees, and the rest.
Be proud of yourself!
If you read this article so you definitely end some study abroad. And that gives you a lot of privilege. Studying abroad is always good for a resume. First of all, because it can be mentioned in some parts of your resume.
One important thing is that employers would never look through resume twice. So you have only one chance to interest them. That’s why you should indicate all the information correctly and wisely.
After you choose on which site to place your resume and on what position, you need to understand what information should be indicated firstly.
Each employer will give preference to candidates who have studied abroad. If you have such experience, then consider that you are in the black.

To make your resume looked perfect can be ideally handled by special services that will help to make a high-quality resume. But if you have already decided to do this on your own, below we will figure out how to independently list your study abroad experience in a resume file.
Not all employers require education in the resume. Some turn a blind eye to this or are not interested in where you studied at all. For such files, there is also a small fad.
You will have only one attempt to interest the company in which you want to work. That is why we advise you to read the information below.
Here we will look at several ways of putting study abroad in a regular resume and in LinkedIn profile.
Now we will analyze the most important points on which how to include study abroad to your resume.
Where to Put Study Abroad on Resume
Before we consider options where it is appropriate to place information about your studies, we’ll tell you one secret.
Basically, most employers do not even pay attention to the all resume file itself, or simply skim through it with their eyes. In this case, the only salvation and the right decision would be to add all the information about studying abroad in a right position of the resume.
Fist of all let’s think about does studying abroad look good on a resume?
Definitely yes. If you have ever studied at a foreign university or other educational institution, this is exactly the information that should ideally be indicated in the resume. Here we have certain sections where you definitely should include listing study abroad on resume:
- Education Section – the name speaks for itself
- Section of Professional experience – when the study is like a work
- Skill Section – how many skills have you get while your courses?
- Objective Section – tell about your best education goal
You can list study abroad on resume in any mentioned section. It will depend on what work experience do you have and the quality of your study.
So here we go to consider them more detailed.
How to Put Study Abroad on Resume: Examples
The first thing to say is that the resume itself should not consist of more than one page. No one will sit and look at your document for so long, no matter how cool it is. Brevity and conciseness that fits on one page is the key to success.
There are four sections in total where you can add studying abroad on your resume and it will be appropriate.
Section for Education
If you really have something to tell about your studies or brag about it, then do not hesitate to write all this in the Training section. But do not overdo it. Delivered information into sections, for example, for studying at a university, one small paragraph, and for studying at a college abroad another. Be sure to indicate the year of graduation.
Section of Professional Experience
Studying abroad is a real professional experience. Therefore, why not enter it here. Moreover, this is a good life hack on how to arrange this section if, in principle, you do not have any work experience. The main thing is to indicate what work you performed during the training. Even the fact that you just did your homework can be presented as a good working experience. The main thing is to beat correctly. For example, if you most often worked with tables at school, as an experience you can indicate that you have an excellent command of operating the Excel program.
Skill Section
One more part where to put studying abroad will be good for the resume.
Why not indicate skills acquired during training as professional skills?
Or, indicating your specific skill, next to it you can put information about the place of study, where you get it.
What is the Best Resume Format
What is a Good Summary for a Resume
How to List Awards on Resume: Example
Objective Section
Some employers look at only two points – this is work experience and the objective section. If everything is clear with the former, then personal qualities must be indicated in the latter. You went through training abroad, this is your main highlight. The main thing is to indicate this information among the first points. The most insignificant or ordinary can be safely indicated at the end.
Here we have some example of the resume where you can mention your education:

And it’s two different examples. The most important thing that can be learned from these examples is that all information should be concise. Be sure to indicate the year the start and end of studies. As well as the country and place of study. It is also important to indicate the main subjects and the direction of the study.
One More Hack for Adding Study Abroad
A Cover letter is one more important thing that goes like a supplement for a core resume.
Why do you need it?
Well, imagine how 10 letters of employment came to the same company position. Already on 4 resumes, a person from the personnel department will get tired of checking and reading them. And he will either just look through the cover of the letter or stop at the choice of those four candidates.
This letter will be the first that the employer will pay attention to. Therefore, this is your trump card. Modeling everything in a small letter is not worth it. Here you also need to carefully arrange all the necessary information. It would be even better if the whole letter consisted of several points. The maximum should be half-page A4 text. Indicate in the first paragraphs the most important and basic information, and in the last more extensive. It is also not necessary to indicate unnecessary information here. Only briefly about the main thing.

Only basic information in a wrapper of a friendly but formal appeal.
How to Put Study Abroad to LinkedIn
With a profile in the LinkedIn system, everything is simple. Information about education abroad can be highlighted in such sections as Education and Experience.
When viewing your account, this will be the first information that the employer will see. Here you can’t write all the information especially. Only the most important thing, namely the years of training, the country and the university.
So how to include study abroad on LinkedIn profile:
- Create your profile
- Highlight short information about study abroad in a head part
- Select the section to put study abroad in a core resume
- Indicate it correctly with right terms and special dates

In any case, you can always describe in more details about your education abroad in the Summaries section.